Shenghui Li is a marine social scientist specialising in marine spatial planning (MSP), marine protected areas (MPAs) and sustainable ocean governance. She is currently a lecturer and researcher at Guangdong Ocean University, China. As a marine early career researcher (ECR), Shenghui is passionate about connecting and empowering ECRs across disciplines and regions. She is also the co-chair of the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN) under the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research (IMBeR), member of the Steering Group of MSP Research Network, member of the Executive Committee of the Global Ocean Negative Carbon Emission (Global ONCE programme), and member of the Executive Committee of the Early Career Ocean Professional (ECOP) China national node. She has actively participated in and organised many youth workshops and webinars on ocean governance and interdisciplinary research. She has also given trainings on marine conservation to primary and secondary school students and coastal communities.

Shenghui Li