1E Meeting Room

ST 1.6 How PEMSEA Network Can be Reinforced? (A multi-layered ocean governance methodologies)


In the East Asia region, there is a wide variety of political, economic, and social systems. It is composed of some of the most heavily populated cities and countries in the world. From the perspective of the ocean, the region is characterized not only with its unique marine and coastal settings, such as large marine ecosystems, island chains, vast gulfs, and crowded straits, but also commercially important fishing and mariculture grounds and rich offshore mineral resources such as gas and oil. However, the rapid economic development and massive population growth in the region have inevitably resulted in enormous pressures on the marine environment and its resources.

Various issues of ocean governance should be considered to enforce the resilience of the Seas of East Asia, including the development speed and phase of institutional frameworks, the suitable and executable assessment tool, and the implementation regime in the field. Especially multi-layered ocean governance of regional-national-local methodologies should be implemented.

In this session, we will first present an overview of regional governance models around the world and scale down to national case studies on coastal management in Japan, China, RO Korea and Southeast Asian countries. Second, we will consider coastal governance methodology from the view of local community engagement from a bottom-up perspective of governance and should provide a shared future and a role for voluntary participation by stakeholders. Finally, a panel discussion will be held to discuss how we can implement holistic and inclusive ocean governance in the Seas of East Asia with these characteristics. A multi-layered ocean governance will be introduced as a methodology to fill the gap between top-down and bottom-up governance.


14:30 – 14:35 Moderator

  • Dr. Xiang Gao, Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation
14:35 – 14:38 Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Haiwen Zhang, Former Director General, China Institute for Marine Affairs
14:38 – 15:38 Regional Sea Governance and the Role of the Epistemic Community

  • Dr. Xiang Gao (Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation)

What is Coastal Zone: Definition and Range

  • Dr. Zhengyi Liu (Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

The Best Practices of Coast Management in Southeast Asia Countries

  • TBD

Promoting ICM in Tokyo Bay: Exercise of Social Transformation to Achieve
an Inclusive Society with Stakeholders

  • Dr. Keita Furukawa (COAST CARD Japan)

The Practices of Coastal Management in Xiamen

  • Professor Benrong Peng (Coastal and Ocean Management Institute, Xiamen University)

Dynamic Evolution of Coastal and Marine Spatial Policy Regime of RO Korea

  • Dr. Jungho Nam (Korea Maritime Institute)
15:38 – 16:18 Panel Discussion

  • Dr. Xiang Gao (Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation)
  • Dr. Zhengyi Liu (Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  • TBD
  • Dr. Keita Furukawa (COAST CARD Japan)
  • Professor Benrong Peng (Coastal and Ocean Management Institute, Xiamen University)
  • Dr. Jungho Nam (Korea Maritime Institute)
16:18 – 16:30
  • Q&A and Open Forum

ST 1.3: Mobilizing Action beyond 30×30 Commitment through Institutional Partnership


The call for conserving 30% of land and seas by 2030 has created momentum in establishing Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in recent years. However, as the international community begins their implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM GBF) and achievement of this global target, ensuring this acceleration leads to durable, effective, equitably managed, and ecologically representative systems of conservation areas, will be challenging. These challenges include, but are not limited to, building constituencies, and fostering political will to sustain commitments made, building capacity for effective and durable management, ensuring inclusive and equitable governance systems, and securing sustainable financing. In short, achieving 30% ocean protection through effective, equitable, and durable ocean conservation requires partnership at all stages of a site’s ‘conservation journey’ from the commitment and legal designation of a new or expanded area to actively and equitably managing it to securing sustainable funding.

Blue Nature Alliance is a global partnership established to catalyze the conservation of 18 million square kilometers or 5% of the ocean by 2027 in contribution to conserving 30% of the ocean by 2030. We collaborate with governments and local partners in designing and implementing strategic interventions needed to achieve measurable outcomes for the creation of new large-scale ocean conservation areas, and the expansion, improved management, or upgraded protections of existing areas.

This side event hosted by the Blue Nature Alliance is intended to encourage all Parties to consider the need for partnership and engagement beyond initial commitments towards implementation and impact. This event will include an interactive and engaging panel featuring governments and implementing partners of the Blue Nature Alliance to build momentum for ambitious commitments toward global ocean conservation. Panelists will share personal experiences, lessons learned, and innovations in ocean conservation and offer encouragement and partnership to participants as they consider how to advance their country’s conservation journey to achieve the global targets of the KM GBF.


Time Agenda
10:00 – 10:05 Session Introduction

·         Facilitator: Nai’a Lewis

10:05 – 10:15 Welcome Remarks:

·         Ryan Dolan, Site Engagement co-Lead, Blue Nature Alliance

10:15 – 10:20 Brief Introduction of Speakers
10:20 – 11:30

(10 minutes each)

Presentation of Case Studies

1. Building constituencies

·         Dax Dequito, Social and Environmental Systems Manager, Zoological Society of London, Philippines

2. Fostering political will to sustain 30×30 commitments

·         Ahmad Sofiullah, Senior Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Manager, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Indonesia

3. Strengthening legal and policy frameworks for MPA establishment

·         Atty. Cole Yokingco, Senior Policy Manager, Conservation International,- Philippines

4. Building capacity for effective and durable MPA management

·         Nai’a Lewis, Director, Big Ocean, USA

5. Ensuring inclusive and equitable governance systems within governmental stakeholders

·         Atty. Arsenio Bañares, Chief Fishing Regulations Officer, Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippines

6. Ensuring inclusive and equitable governance systems among sectoral stakeholders

·         Arsenio Tanchuling, Fisheries Management Area 1 Management Board Member

7. Securing sustainable financing

·         Dr. Victor Nikijuluw, Senior Ocean Advisor, Konservasi Indonesia

11:30 – 12:00 Question & Answer

Session Summary