Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL)
Oil pollution from accidental spills, whether from ships or drilling platforms, occurs globally, posing significant challenges to the local community and other key stakeholders.
As a Tier 3 oil spill response organization, Oil Spill Response Limited (OSRL) operates worldwide to support our members in preparing for an oil spill incident. Our unique position enables us to integrate our experience and lessons learnt globally and derive insights to deliver effective solutions at the local level where our members operate. Following the NEBA-SIMA workshop held in 2021, OSRL will like to continue to share the industry good practices to oil spill preparedness and response.
The workshop proposed the sharing on the Tiered Preparedness and Response framework which is another key output from joint industry review post Macondo incident in 2010. The workshop will also dive further into two response capabilities, mainly Crisis & Incident Management and Oiled Wildlife Response.
Following the Macondo incident in 2010, a joint industry task force was set up to review existing good practices to oil spill preparedness and response under Oil Spill Response Joint Industry Project (OSR-JIP). Tiered Preparedness and Response (TPR) philosophy was one of the key outputs of the project which identified (15+ 1) response capabilities necessary for a successful response to oil spill incidents, delivered at three different tiers.
Incident and Crisis Management. Whether undertaken by a government agency or a private organization, successful endeavors share the core principle of effective risk management. Unmitigated risks lead to incidents and crises. Incident and crisis management are central to an organizations’ system to return to its business as usual. The TPR recognizes Incident Management System (and by extension the Crisis Management) at the core of the wheel that links all the response capabilities together for efficient and effective approach in managing incidents and crises.
Oiled Wildlife Preparedness and Response. Wildlife, particularly birds, reptiles, and mammals, are gravely impacted by oil spills. These environmental disasters not only damage ecosystems but also cause well-documented and often fatal harm to animals, requiring human efforts to save them. Asia is no stranger to oil spills. The geographic region is home to busiest ports in the world and major shipping routes. Furthermore, oil and gas activities are also present. These activities increase the risks of oil spill incidents. Oiled wildlife preparedness and response are set activities and/or mechanisms for managing risks to oiled wildlife. The mechanisms include but not limited to legislations, plan development, access to suitable resources, etc.
- Raise awareness on the TPR framework and understand its application on oil spill preparedness and response.
- Dive into two response capabilities (Crisis & Incident Management System and Oiled Wildlife Response) by introducing core concepts / frameworks and sharing of case studies.
Expected Outcomes/Outputs
- Develop an appreciation of TPR philosophy.
- Understand the core frameworks and concepts of Crisis & Incident Management and Oiled Wildlife Response.
- Generate collaboration interest and/or engagement opportunities with other country/non-country partners.
Time | AGENDA |
14:00-14:05 | Introduction
14:05-14:15 | An overview of Industry Good Practices to Oil Spill Preparedness and Response
14:15-14:25 | Tiered Preparedness and Response Framework
14:25-15:10 | Introduction to Oiled Wildlife Response
15:10-15:55 | Introduction to Crisis & Incident Management
15:55-16:00 | Summary and Closing