Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia
The East Asia region, home to a diverse array of marine ecosystems and species, faces significant challenges exacerbated by climate change. These challenges include habitat loss, biological pollution from invasive alien species and harmful algal blooms, and threats to marine species from both human and natural stressors. Effective marine conservation efforts transcend national boundaries and require robust transboundary cooperation and multi-layered stakeholder engagement, from regional, national and local governments to MPA managers, research institutions, and local communities. This holistic approach resonates with the Congress theme “Blue Synergy for a Shared Future: One Sustainable and Resilient Ocean”.
The urgent needs for climate resilience are amplified through international and regional forums. Such calls include the resolution on regional cooperation to accelerate climate action on oceans in Asia and the Pacific for sustainable development[: ESCAP_RES_79_2_E (] adopted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), contributing to, for example, the Sustainable Development Goal 14 (life under water) and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.
This session will highlight the role of) Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) under CMSP (Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning) regime in North-East Asia in fostering regional resilience against climate impacts and promoting ecosystem conservation. The discussion outcomes are expected to contribute to the healthy ocean as identified in the Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia Implementation Plan 2023-2027.
In this session/side event, key topics will include:
- Understanding Climate Change Impacts: Examining how climate change affects marine ecosystems in this region.
- Applying CMSP Strategies: Sharing successful CMSP strategies and their role in climate-related conservation efforts (e.g., blue carbon, community-led habitat restoration).
- Enhancing Transboundary Cooperation: Discussing how multi-stakeholder engagement can strengthen regional conservation initiatives.
Additionally, the session will underscore capacity building and knowledge exchange, providing a platform for member States and relevant stakeholders to share best practices and enhance skills for managing MPAs and addressing regional marine environmental challenges. Insights from the North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN)[: The North-East Asian Marine Protected Areas Network (NEAMPAN) aims to establish an effective, functional representative network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the subregion for conservation of marine and coastal biodiversity and more efficient MPA management. As of May 2024, NEAMPAN has 12 designated MPA sites across five member States in North-East Asia.] will be crucial, reflecting the collective experience of MPAs from five member States (China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Republic of Korea, and the Russian Federation) under the North-East Asian Subregional Programme for Environmental Cooperation (NEASPEC).
Time | AGENDA |
Panelists (Note: Panelists and topics are subject to change as confirmations are still pending)
Experts nominated by conveners, and regional entities (PNLC (PEMSEA Network Learning Center), UNESCO, IUCN Asia, other UN entities (TBC)) |
Presentations (Note: Topics and speakers are subject to confirmation):
Discussions by invited experts (10 minutes for each) (Note: Topics and speakers are subject to confirmation):