ST 1.3

Pepe Tanchuling, Fisheries Management Area 1 Management Board Member from the Philippines, presents on Ensuring Equitable and Inclusive Governance System Among Sectoral Stakeholders. (PRF)
This session was held on 7 November 2024 at Meeting Room 1E inside the sprawling Xiamen International Convention Center during the 8th EAS Congress. With a good turnout for attendance, the session highlighted multiple ways for partnerships to support 30×30 implementation. These were:
- Helping bridge the ambitious gap whenever there are inadequate or insufficient policies to enable proper action.
- Enabling the improvement of the design and implementation of interventions, ensuring equitability by incorporating marginalized groups and grassroot organizations to mitigate unintended trade-offs and consequences.
- Realizing that partnerships that involve transnational actors are a means to access implementation where domestic and government resources are inadequate.
However, the conservation landscape needs more investment on: - Equity and Inclusion by harmonizing social, economic and gender inequities, plus the promotion of rights and knowledge on indigenous groups and local communities.
- Embracing emerging technologies from data collection to analysis, to the promotion of safety and security in the fishing sector. Partnerships with technology innovators is critical to leverage these technologies to enhance the implementation of conservation objectives.
- Bold political ambitions translated to clear and achievable on-ground action.
The session discussed two key challenges for enabling partnerhips, which were identified as knowing the right set of stakeholders for specific challenges, for there often is a disconnect to systematically identify relevant partners for integrated implementation to bring these actors together, plus institutionlizing and incentivizing participation to ensure the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders.
The session aligns well with Action 1 of the Xiamen Ministerial Declaration by promoting vertical, horizontal and spatial integration to support effective ocean governance and strengthen policy coherence across sectors with full recognition of the land-sea interface and the connectivity of ecosystems. The session concluded with enhanced understanding of the value of institutional partnerships.

Victor Nikijuluw, Senior Ocean Advisor of Konservasi Indonesia presents about Securing Sustainable Financing for Durable MPAs. (PRF)