ST 2.13 – International Symposium on Tsunami Warning and Storm Surge Prediction and Mitigation in the Asia-Pacific Region

Participants and organizers at the Tsunami and Storm Surge session. (PRF)
”I hope that all participants will get valuable insights from this Symposium, while improving the knowledge and understanding of tsunami warning and storm surge prediction,” said by one of the organizers of this quick meeting, Sun Lining, from China’s National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center(NMEFC).
This symposium brought together relevant experts and practitioners to address the challenges of tsunami and storm surge disasters. This symposium aims to improve knowledge and understanding of tsunami warning and storm surge prediction. Nine invited experts shared their research results, operational experiences and discussed problems of common interest and new developments for storm surges and tsunamis, in line with Action 2 of the Xiamen Ministerial Declaration by promoting science-based data and information to support planning, policy development, and investment decision–making, particularly to protect vulnerable coastal communities from mounting climate change effects.

Lead presenter Dr. Zhang explains the science behind tsunamis and storm surges. (PRF)