ST 2.3

Participants enjoy an engaging discussion on the second phase of the Global Estuaries Monitoring (GEM) Programme. (PRF)
“Measuring and carefully monitoring makes the environment better,” said State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (SKLMP) director Professor Kenneth M. Y. Leung at the GEM programme workshop, held on 7 November 2024 at the EAS Congress in Xiamen.
Over 50 participants and collaborators worldwide joined the workshop, which focused on the progress and prospects of the GEM programme, which aims to establish a global monitoring network for estuaries.
Prof. Leung started by introducing the background and expected outcomes of GEM programme. The program aims to establish a global monitoring network to assess the pollution levels of contaminants of emerging concern in estuaries to develop solutions for cleaner and safer estuaries. Demilade T. Adedipe shared the development of novel passive samplers for in-situ monitoring of chemicals of emerging concern (CECs). Dr. Chen elaborated the progress of GEM programme in a detailed talk.
The workshop highlighted the progress made in the GEM Programme. Currently, there are 178 registered estuaries within the GEM Monitoring Network. Samples of nearly 150 estuaries have been collected and analyzed from 40 different countries.
S-PVC was identified as the most viable material for passive samplers in terms of cost, number of chemicals that can be absorbed, stability and sampling and update rates. Atmospheric and riverine inputs contributed to marine microplastics and their contributions showed significant seasonal variations. Methodology is an important issue in determining the magnitude of reported microplastic levels.
The workshop served as a platform for participants to bring together action partners, share progress updates, and catalyze new collaborations to monitor the world’s estuaries.

The capacity-building workshop on the Global Estuaries Monitoring (GEM) Programme was held on 7 November 2024 at the East Asian Seas Congress and World Ocean Week in Xiamen. (PRF)