ST 2.5: Advancing Conservation and Small-Scale Fisherfolk Rights through Coastal Zonation and Planning
Rare, Inc.
In areas with inadequate management and weak regulatory institutions, conflicts over resource use are prevalent. Various interest groups compete for access to coastal resources, leading to disagreements. In the Philippines, conflicts arising from differing land and water usage needs, such as protection, production, infrastructure, and settlement, are typically resolved through proper comprehensive land and water use zoning.
This session aims to underscore the pivotal role of local government units (LGUs) in resolving resource conflicts via participatory and inclusive coastal zoning. Additionally, it will highlight how coastal LGUs facilitate the establishment and maintenance of Managed Access Areas and Reserves while upholding the constitutionally guaranteed preferential rights of small-scale fisherfolk within the 15-kilometer municipal waters.
Ultimately, the session will equip participants with insights into best practices for addressing resource conflicts through effective coastal zoning methodologies and approaches.
The session will highlight exemplary practices from both local government units and national government agencies in laying out the legal framework to safeguard the preferential rights of small-scale fishers and in establishing and managing managed access areas and reserves. Emphasizing coastal use zoning as a vital planning instrument, it aims to address conflicting resource uses effectively. Moreover, it will underscore the significance of a participatory and inclusive approach in managing diverse uses, including production, protection, infrastructure, and settlements, within coastal areas.
The session aims to: promote coastal land and water use zoning as a tool for resolving resource use conflicts by highlighting practices of local government units. The primary objective of the session is to share best practices of coastal local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines and potentially from other countries on coastal use planning. Specific objectives include the following:
- To pinpoint the common challenges encountered by coastal LGUs in determining the utilization of their coastal zones and elucidate strategies employed to overcome these challenges.
- To underscore coastal use planning as a mechanism for demarcating managed access areas and reserves, as well as for safeguarding the preferential rights of small-scale fishers concerning the utilization of coastal and marine resources.
Expected Output/s:
- The target output of the session is a documentation on how other countries manage conflicts over the use of coastal resources.
Provisional Programme to follow